Thursday, March 29, 2012

Someday I'll look back and laugh...

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday to get some blood work done. We listened to the baby's heartbeat like we do every appointment, and then as the doctor was helping me sit up from the table my pants ripped. Luckily she noticed and told me, because I didn't hear or feel it. I had a sweater I could tie around my waist til I got home or I don't know what I would have done. The hole started out small, but by the time I got home it was pretty bad.

I can't believe I'm already ripping pants and still have 9 more weeks to go. I'm going to have to hit up the local market and live in sweat pants for a few weeks. I don't feel like I am that large, but my pants will tell you otherwise. I'm probably going to blame the washing machine here. It's pretty tough on my clothes and the fabric was worn pretty thin. That sounds a lot better don't you think?

The Evidence:


  1. Those pants look like the ones I wore when I was pregnant with Josh. The difference was that I wore the hole in them and just kept patching because I could not afford another was the 70s and patches were you know!

  2. ha ha. you tiny little pregnant woman, you look so cute in all of your pictures. its totally the washing machine. Still not good for the ego though. I feel huge at this point, I might have to cry a little if my pants ripped. Anne
