Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beard Envy

A few weeks ago Nick took CoCo in for a haircut. He was looking pretty shaggy and all that hair was definitely too hot for summertime in Beijing. Last time we got CoCo groomed they shaved all his hair off except around his ears. I did not want that to happen again (he looked like a funny poodle for awhile) so I told Nick to make sure they cut the hair around his ears.

Well when Nick brought him back from his haircut this was the result. They had definitely cut the hair around his ears, but Nick had them leave him a little beard! I laughed so hard! CoCo has a cute little white patch of hair there and Nick loves beards so he thought our dog should have one. Maybe make him a little more masculine?

So many people do double takes when they see CoCo on the street. I see them all pointing at his beard everytime I take him out for a walk. He is definitely enjoying having shorter hair though... it has been a hot muggy summer in Beijing!

A few days after CoCo's haircut Nick decided he needed a beard too. He tells me its to make him look older, because he is tired of Chinese people telling him how young he is in every meeting he goes to. I know the real reason though. He was just jealous of CoCo!

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