Since I quit my job back in January, I have slowly been accumulating new ones. I decided I didn't want to look for a full time job. I wanted to have a more flexible schedule, so I've been looking for part time jobs. I started the first one a few weeks ago. I teach a 2 hour class on Saturday mornings to a group of 6 eleven year olds. The school uses a British curriculum, and I rotate between teaching classes on English, Science and Math. The things I teach are basic (preschool level) but the English is difficult for the kids. There is a Chinese teacher in the classroom with me, so I only end up working half the time. I started out slow to make sure I enjoyed the job; I will probably start teaching more classes for them in the afternoons soon.
I started my second new job this week. This one is kind of random. A new preschool opened up right by our house. I thought it would be nice to work close to home since the commute at my old job was so bad. I walked in one day and asked if they were looking for a teacher. This was during Chinese New Year, so I had to wait a few weeks to start. I teach 4 different classes only 20 minutes each. The kids range in age from 2-5. I end up singing a lot of songs and looking really silly, but it doesn't matter. It's nice working close to home, and teaching such sort classes. Twenty minutes flies by compared to the two hour class I teach on Saturday.
My third job is about to end and I'm sad about that. I have been tutoring a rich Chinese lady in English. By tutoring I really mean hanging out with her and talking. She just wants to practice and to ask me about a new word once in awhile. She pays me to hang out with her for 2 hours twice a week, and usually she'll take me to Starbucks or Haagen Daaz during our "class." I wish I could find more jobs like this one. Sadly, she only needed a tutor during the Chinese New Year break since she already had one, but he went on vacation for that time. She has mentioned needing a tutor again in May, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her current tutor chooses to go home!
I have gotten a couple other calls from people looking for part time English teachers, so we'll see what happens with those. My days are really starting to fill up, but I like being able to go from job to job instead of staying in the same place all the time. I'm starting to finally know my way around town. I know the bus routes now and can get anywhere I need to. It's been really nice not feeling lost all the time.